Child Dentistry


It includes Dental Treatments performed in Children. Managing children on a dental chair is a specialized task. Here at identzz we perform special behaviour management techniques which involve motivating the child and eliminating unreasonable fear of the dentist’s chair.

Some comman Pediatric dental procedures include:

  • Dental X-Rays Chidren needs xrays more often then adults. Their mouths grow and change rapidly. So Xrays are needed to evaluate the tooth decay, weaknesses in the tooth structure, position of permanent teeth which may not be visible by naked eye. We use digital radiography which uses approximately 1/4 the radiation of the traditional dental x-rays.
  • Dental Cleaning It is the cleaning process of teeth to remove all food debris, plaque and calculus which causes tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Fluoride Flouride promote remineralisation of tooth helping to prevent cavities. Topical application of fluoride is required in children at the age of . A topical fluoride treatment is applied at the dentist office after your child has received a professional cleaning. Usually a fluoride gel or foam is placed in mouth shaped trays (affectionately known as duck trays) and inserted into the child’s mouth for her teeth to “soak” in for a few minutes
  • Cavities (Caries) Tooth decay (caries) is a progressive disease that often begins in very young children. Bacteria that normally live in the mouth react with sugars from foods and drinks to create acid that slowly eats away at the enamel of your child’s teeth and can also damage sensitive gum tissue. With the loss of enamel, weak points in the teeth form. These weak areas become cavities– which left alone can lead to irreversible nerve damage and the necessary early extraction of your child’s tooth.
    Again, early treatment is the key. As soon as a cavity is identified, your dentist can repair the tooth using tooth-colored fillings.
  • Pulpectomy is the treatment of infected nerves and blood vessels in teeth. Pulp therapy generally becomes necessary for two reasons: either as a result of extensive tooth decay (dental cavities) or as the result of tooth injury. Failure to provide the necessary pulp therapy could result in your child experiencing pain, infection, swelling, or loss of the tooth.
  • Extraction It is the removal of teeth incase it is severely decayed. Primary teeth are essential in maintaining the correct spacing in your child’s jaw for the permanent teeth.
  • Sealants Sealants are thin, white plastic coatings that are applied to the tops or chewing surfaces of back teeth and are highly effective in preventing tooth decay.
  • Space Maintainer Space maintainers are used when a primary tooth has been prematurely lost (or extracted) to hold space for the developing permanent tooth. If space is not maintained, it will cause crowding of teeth. The space maintainer will be removed from your child’s mouth once his/her permanent tooth replacing the extracted tooth comes in.