Restorative Dentistry

2 Types of restoration

Silver Amalgam
Tooth Coloured

Silver Amalgam

Commanly known as Silver fillings. It is an alloy of mercury with metals which gives it a Shiny Appearance. It is the best material for restoration in back teeth as it has high strength.

Tooth Coloured

2 Types of Tooth Coloured

Composite Resin

A composite restoration is a tooth-coloured plastic and glass mixture used to restore decayed teeth. They provide better aesthetics as well as serves for long period of time with high durability rate.

This treatment is carried out with the help of modern curing lights which brings the setting of restoring material.

Glass Ionomer Cement

A glass ionomer cement is a dental restorative material used commonly for restoration. It is a silicate glass powder mixed with ionomer which adheres chemically to tooth. It has good anticariogenic property and fluoride releasing capacity which causes remineralization of tooth.