What is Scaling?


It is the dental procedure of cleaning the teeth by removing/eliminating the plaque & calculus deposits from teeth.

It is a safe and routine procedure which does not damage the tooth surface in any way. It will help to keep gums healthy free of inflammation & gum diseases.

What is the procedure?

Scaling is proper cleaning of teeth above and below the gum line in order to remove any plaque, tartar and calculus that have smeared on tooth.

Basically, dentists use ultrasonic machine. It carries a fine tip that vibrates at ultrasonic frequency to dislodge tartar and plaque from tooth. These vibrations are extremely fine therefore do not harm tooth or gum in anyway.

How frequently should scaling be done?

Regular cleaning and right eating habits can help to keep teeth healthy for lifetime. Plaque formation is a continuous process and starts mineralizing into tartar within 10-14 hours if not brushed away. These people need periodic scaling at every 6 months. The best advice will come from doctor whether you need scaling or not.

Cleaning of teeth

Cleaning teeth or ultrasonic scaling is the most important and essential treatment to prevent and/or treat gum disease. Since1960s, it has become clear that dental bacterial plaque or what we commonly know as tartar is the primary agent causing periodontal (gum) disease. Cleaning to remove hard deposits accumulated on teeth is generally known as scaling.

The newer terms “non-surgical periodontal therapy” and “periodontal debridement” more accurately reflect the newer treatment goals of dental hygiene with a primary emphasis on disrupting bacterial plaque biofilms while minimizing damaging the root structure during calculus removal (Calculus or tartar — calcified bacterial products that collect and attach to the tooth and root surfaces). In other words, these new treatment options enable your doctor to remove the tartar and biofilms from your teeth with minimal-to-no damage to tooth roots — a critical step to arrest periodontal infection and maintain good oral health.

The use of power scalers began in the late 1950s when it was apparent that ultrasound could effectively remove deposits from teeth. From their initial use in removal of supra-gingival (“supra” – above; “gingival” – gum level) to their current application for the removal of supra and sub-gingival (“sub” – beneath) calculus, plaque biofilms, and bacterial byproducts, research has shown power scaling to be a very efficient tool.

Most periodontal experts agree that the best results for non-surgical therapy are achieved by combining the use of power ultrasonic scalers and medications.

Rapidly changing technology has revolutionized periodontal therapy with integration of power scaling techniques resulting in improved clinical outcomes, patient comfort, and reduced time and physical demands on clinicians.

We in identzz Multispeciality Dental Clinic & Implant center have ultrasonic led light optimized scalers that provide the best cleaning with proper illumination.